Producer: GM-group Date: 22/02/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
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Backstage in Givea forest (Phuket) Producer: GM-group Date: 18/02/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 15/02/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 11/02/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 08/02/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 07/02/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 04/02/2014 Location: Vladivostok, Russia
Producer: GM-group Date: 31/01/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 29/01/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand
Producer: GM-group Date: 28/01/2014 Location: Phuket, Thailand