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Veta Antonova – realese #029 (Set #022)… with black lingerie posing in the kitchen!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 16/09/2015 Location: Odessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine


Aleksandra Savitskaya Set #008, posing with a transparent… red lingerie!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 15/09/2015 Location: Phuket, Thailand


Karisha Terebun Set #038, shows her wild side in the jungle in Phuket (Thailand)

Producer: GM-group Date: 12/09/2015 Location: Phuket, Thailand


Natasha Malonoga Set #009, posing on an awesome car, a luxury!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 11/09/2015 Location: Odessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine


Anna Korotova Set #006, beautiful, posing among the rocks… topless included!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 09/09/2015 Location: Vladivostok, Russia


Elizaveta Valchik Set #036 (Video #007), video, all pink in a pool in Thailand. very sexy!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 07/09/2015 Location: Phuket, Thailand


Karisha Terebun Set #037, very sexy in the withe sandy beaches of Rachai Yai (Thai)…

Producer: GM-group Date: 05/09/2015 Location: Phuket, Thailand


Veta Antonova – realese #028 (Set #021)… posing in sexy lingerie on the bed!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 04/09/2015 Location: Odessa, Odessa Oblast, Ukraine


Elizaveta Prohorenko – realese #035 (Set #026)… topless in the sand, sea and rocks in Thailand!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 03/09/2015 Location: Phuket, Thailand


Elizaveta Valchik Set #035, is too sexy for her top in Thailand!!

Producer: GM-group Date: 31/08/2015 Location: Phuket, Thailand

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